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Wednesday 11th September
Having the Moon in an adventurous part of your chart in the heart of the working week might be a challenge, but it will pick up support from planets in a playful and creative part of your chart before leaving tomorrow. This is not only giving the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence a boost, but ahead of the Moon's return to your career sector tomorrow this will make it easier to hold back. While an ordinary monthly visit, this will help to make sense of the major shifts across the income, work and career fronts over the last 10 days.
At a time when all the planetary activity is not only on the income side of the financial fence but as you draw closer to some seriously positive conditions on the income and job fronts, the Moon's monthly visit to your financial sector is giving the other side some much needed attention. Knowing that the Moon will leave your financial sector tomorrow and there will be no planetary focus on your financial situation and money matters until Venus returns next month, makes it important to pay attention. Both to what your financial instincts and any strong emotional responses to money matters are telling you.
Two days after Mercury, the planet of communication not only left your communication sector but ended all planetary activity on the communication front until Mars returns in November, the Moon is making its monthly visit to your relationship sector. This is something that can evoke some strong emotional responses and even push some buttons, while at the same time putting how well you can keep the communication lines open on your own to the test. Over two months after returning for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit, Mercury only left two days ago, making his easy to tap back into.
Having the Moon in your work sector in the heart of the working week is always going to be an advantage. Especially as Mercury only left your income sector two days ago, you have his smart head for money to draw on and the moon will form a friendly aspect to both planets in your career sector before leaving tomorrow. However, there could be some mixed messages, with Jupiter reminding you to pace yourself while in his first full day in Cancer, this will give Mars something to channel his warrior and competitive spirit into.
Ahead of the Moon's return to your work sector tomorrow there will always be a call to hold back, which is why its focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence today can work to your advantage. With the Moon not only returning for its first visit to your work sector since Pluto returned tomorrow but its first since Uranus turned retrograde in your career sector last week and the only visit while the Sun is in your income sector, this is something that you will want to go into refreshed and with an open mind.
While the Moon's clash with Jupiter in your career sector today is its ordinary monthly work/life balance reminder, the timing couldn't be better. After Pluto left your work sector at the start of last week and Mars your career sector three days later, the urgency is gone and with Jupiter slowing ahead of a retrograde turn next month, if you are having trouble taking your foot off the gas this might help. With Jupiter drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Venus in your income sector that will peak later in the week, focusing more on the money can help you work smarter.
While an ordinary monthly visit and something that every four weeks can leave you with a better sense of where the money is, the more you unpack a download of information from across the income, work and career fronts after the Moon left your income sector yesterday, the more a sense of excitement and anticipation is likely to grow. With Mars just warming up in his first full week in your work sector and Venus just 12 days away from beginning the most lucrative months of 2024, this was just a small taste of things to come.
Having the Moon in your income sector in the heart of the working week is always an advantage. While an ordinary monthly visit and something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, two days after Mercury left your career sector and with the Moon set to form a friendly aspect to both planets in your work sector before leaving tomorrow, this is bringing all the threads together. There will also be a sense of change in the air, for with Venus returning to your income sector next month and Mars to your career sector in early November, the best is still to come.
With the Sun not returning to Sagittarius to begin your birthday month and new solar year until towards the end of November, the Moon's monthly visits are key to staying on track. As well as a chance to check in with your inner voice or internal compass, this is a chance to get a feel for the cosmic shifts or the external influences since the Moon was here four days ago. It is the latter that will keep your subconscious busy today, as it downloads information, insight and messages that it can unpack later. This makes it important to trust your gut without overthinking things.
In the heart of the working week, today's nostalgic and reflective lunar vibes are encouraging you to slow down and the timing couldn't be better. When Mars left your work sector last week, he brought some of the busiest months of the year to an end and with Jupiter slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn next month, the urgency is gone. If you are having trouble taking your foot off the gas this could help, for with Jupiter teaming up with Venus in your career sector it is the element of luck and the laws of attraction that are coming into effect. By pushing less, you are likely to achieve more.
The Moon's departure from your career sector yesterday is likely to have done more than just leave you with your professional instincts sharp, feeling more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware and with a download of information to unpack from across the income, work and career fronts. With Mars in his first full week in your work sector and Venus just 12 days away from beginning the first planetary activity on the career front this year, this has left you with a sense of confidence and anticipation. This professional year is in the process of catching its second wind.
This is one time when having the Moon in your career sector in the heart of the working week is more than just a chance to ensure your professional instincts are sharp and you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware when it counts. Two days after Mercury left your work sector, but with Mars returning in May and Venus returning next month to open new doors on the career front, this is both a chance to regroup and start looking ahead to the next chapter of this professional year. As your subconscious can download information faster than you can process it at the time, this is a day for trusting your gut without overthinking things.
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