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Wednesday 11th December
You need to get started on any delayed tasks or tackle any unresolved differences. If you didn't have the right incentive before, you’re able to view things in a new light, with a fresh perspective. Previous contacts stimulate your interest, and others find your self-confidence engaging and attractive. Use your energy, enjoy some new recreational activities too.
You find it difficult to make decisions, and it's even harder to justify them to others. Avoid arguments and put off any important conversations for a while. Be more open; it’s when people know how you feel they understand why you’re so hesitant. Feeling drained and worn out, both physically and emotionally, concentrate on regaining your strength.
No need to be despondent, instead boost the way you feel with some healthy recreational activity. Remember you have experienced times like this before and understand this current bad phase does not last forever. Try to be more optimistic; better times are not too long in returning, as long as you remain steadfast and committed to keeping a positive outlook.
You are feeling unusually tense, and it is unwise to speculate as to the reason why. Instead, accept it is just the way you feel. You should not take any differences of opinion too seriously. If you say something wrong, apologize, people are likely to forgive you, everyone knows bad moods pass as quickly as they come.
You achieve a great deal, not only because your plans are well thought-out and have been well organized, but also because you have staying power to succeed in the long term. You’re able to use your talent and base of knowledge, and it's exactly this combination which makes everything seem so easy. Use your talent for communication to win allies.
Be careful not to provoke others needlessly or make demands on those close to you. Your general level of concentration is not what they expect from you. Consequently, you are likely to be misunderstood and make little progress. Take a break from everyone; exercise goes a long way to help resolve matters.
Your strength of purpose and ability to carry out what you want is much stronger than usual. If you let yourself get too carried away this inevitably brings problems, don’t fight against things you know are out of your own control. Instead develop a patient approach, things run more smoothly, and small difficulties don't lead to such negative consequences.
The discipline which work is likely to force upon you is helpful and prevents you from becoming distracted by the various temptations life often places in your path. If you give into all your desires and cravings, you regret it, either because of your wastefulness with money or the personal consequences resulting from your own rather wicked ways.
Objectives you have been pursuing for some time are finally within your grasp and your plans ready to be put into action. You’re feeling invigorated by the encouragement you receive from everyone, which buoys you up to take the essential steps required. Keep your feet on the ground and pursue your objectives consistently and they come to fruition.
Out of sorts and prone to being easily disheartened or something of that ilk, you don't feel in particularly good shape. Do anything you can to improve the way you feel, maybe by taking a break and ridding yourself of as much stress as possible. Get home early, prepare yourself a good meal, preferably with friends or family, to regain your composure.
Since you display a special ability that demonstrates you're totally in command, people turn to you for help and support. Use this energy to assist others; later they’re likely to return kindnesses when you need a helping hand. In the process make sure you don’t lose sight of your goals, you have the power to achieve them, make sure that you do.
You’re unable to make much progress, don't be too discouraged or expect to receive much consolation from anyone. Galvanize your strength and continue to follow your dreams – even if you’re forced to change them slightly. Don't act rashly, conserve your energy. View this difficulty as a task to be completed, believe nothing can stand in your way.
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