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English Weekly Horoscopes

Feed – U2

Week starting 20th January


Practice more self-restraint, far too easily you feel you’re deliberately provoked, even over the slightest matters. Without warning your excess energy erupts in a bad temper. Obviously this isn’t acceptable to those you know, self-discipline and compromise is essential. Such relentless behavior results in problems both at home and at work.

Watch out that these excesses don’t become a noticeable feature in other areas of your life. You need to be more self-aware and make sure that it doesn’t.


Healthy self-confidence and high physical stamina make it likely that you experience a very productive period. It’s important for you to let others know your plans and make it clear you’re willing to show the necessary degree of compromise that insures everyone is satisfied. People you’re acquainted with and those others you’re much closer to, find your ideas and suggestions stimulating and you can expect to find they’re willing to share in your new found zest for life and optimism for the future.


All aspects of the experience you have previously accumulated are brought to bear and help you deal confidently with most situations as and when they arise. You’re satisfied with yourself and the effort you’re able to make towards stabilizing your circumstances and prospects for the future. It’s appropriate to seek improvements in your business, social and romantic life, whatever you dare to tackle leads to favorable responses from others, who are likely to approve of your suggestions and opinions.


Full of energy, whatever you do you get yourself noticed. Bear in mind that you need to exercise due caution at all times! Being too forceful, appearing arrogant and sometimes offensive has its problems at work as well as with the people close to you. If you prefer not to behave in this way physical exercise is very liberating. Ride your bike, or grab your boxing gloves and hit the bag or swim a few lengths at the pool.

By directing your excess energy this way you don’t have to worry about any fallout.


With all your excess energy, it’s easy for you to be busy all the time. You are unlikely to be bothered by problems. Despite feeling energetic and well-adjusted you approach situations carefully, it is your strength and stamina that complement your diligent approach, which invariably results in a successful outcome. You don't only finish your usual projects in an efficient and determined way; you get involved with even more tasks and show how capable and reliable you are.

In the process, it’s important you don’t forget your loved ones.


You’re keyed up, enthusiastic and feel able to accomplish everything you set out to achieve. If you are striving for more professional responsibility, show others what you are capable of, demonstrate your abilities, it’s easy to realize your goals without unsettling those who may previously have felt threatened by your ambition. Your opinions are acknowledged and the ideas you have on almost any matter accepted. This applies to all discussions; you’re able to convince others of your point of view.


Instead of always attempting to get your own way, and endeavoring to persuade others to help you, you instead find you have enough energy yourself to work a bit harder and accomplish what you need. If tempted to argue with others it’s far better to give in, especially if what’s under dispute is of little significance. There is nothing to stop you holding on to what you believe in and waiting for a more favorable opportunity to put your point across, when you have thoroughly thought it through.


Quite effortlessly you’re able to deal with activities you normally experience as being much more challenging. You are poised and confident, able to avoid everyday petty squabbles that normally hinder progress. Instead focusing on important things and prioritizing the completion of certain tasks that require the minimum of effort. Your uncompromising attitude towards life enthuses the people you come into contact with and especially those you care about most, who appreciate the dedication you show.


Wanting to achieve is OK as long as whenever possible you include others and satisfactorily deal with their concerns. Don’t resort to angry outbursts if you’re criticized but consider if there is a benefit to be gained from the other person’s point of view that you can take into consideration and is likely to improve the outcome of your activities. Any excessive energy utilize in pursuit of healthy exercise, to help release tension or stress, avoid contact sports, jogging or Nordic walking is best.


Your closest confidant is the person you rely on most, don’t let your frustration be the catalyst that causes them any needless upset. You’re easily irritated by events and as a consequence experience more provocative behavior from others than normal. Delve into the reasons for your unusually gloomy and unsettled feelings before making unfounded accusations against those you work with or in your personal relationships; from which you normally expect to receive wholehearted backing and support.


You possess a higher than usual level of pent up anger that needs dealing with in a constructive way, if you don’t want to suffer from the consequences. Ease up on the talking and avoid putting others on the defensive. If you require help from others be more patient and diplomatic in the way you approach them. Even if you personally feel on top form , be prepared to take things at a more leisurely pace otherwise you may suffer setbacks from unnecessarily taking on far more than you able to handle.


Clearly you are more than cable of expressing your needs and requirements to others. You know what you want and cleverly are able to bring about the outcome you desire. Especially professionally, you’re paving the way for new responsibilities or even a promotion. Your relationships and love life improve immeasurably too, with invitations and proposals making life seem a bit of a whirl.

Any physical activities are less of an effort than usual. Put your sneakers and do the exercise you enjoy most.

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