Feed – EN-HF2
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Week starting 10th February
Energetic activities are the best way to relieve the tension you're experiencing. Team sport is not recommended. Your impatience and self-important ways don't make you a particularly good team player. Long hikes or practicing for a long run, are exactly right for you.
This will help take your mind off things, but at the same time enable you to remain true to yourself.
Keep your robustness and make improvements to your stamina. After work it would be smart to use any excess energy to improve your physical performance. Get fit for tough times, so you'll be able to respond positively when you're called on to perform a strenuous task. To guarantee your mental balance, you should not forget to do some meditation exercises.
You are in perfect shape health wise. If you've been pondering for long over whether or not to take out your running shoes or initiate a bike work out, then now is the time to do so. Use jogging or biking to get fit, build stamina and make provision for more exhausting and stressful times. You should make much more of an effort to really recharge your batteries!.
Physical exercise puts all your energy into play and diminishes tensions! Get any frustration off your mind by taking a walk or a run! In no time at all you'll still continue to work and be goal oriented, but in additionally you'll be more self-assured and content. There'll be a knock on effects too, especially if you involve your partner. Make good use of your time together!.
Feeling physically strong, you have a lot of drive plus the self-control to use it wisely. Set out your objectives and engage with your fitness program! If you've the power and energy, make use of it; performance limits exist to be overcome. But of course only if you pay attention to a balanced diet and take the necessary relaxing breaks that will maintain your creative vision.
You're stress resistant and self-assured which helps you master your time without any major problems. But don't let this be a reason to become too complacent. The more tasks you're taking on, the more you should allow yourself time to relax and to clear your mind. Treat yourself to a nice massage, an afternoon in the spa or to a long walk in the countryside.
Restraint is the watch word; not that you're lacking good health in any way – it's just that you're careless and disregard precautions, so accidents can occur more easily. Regardless of the physical exercise or other arduous work – this approach is extremely risky. Instead of endangering yourself, you should try meditation to find the inner balance you're lacking.
You feel a deep inner balance together with unshakable strength, enabling you to overcome any hardship at work or in your private life. Cultivate this feeling by dedicating yourself to more inner reflection. Relaxation exercises and meditation can be helpful too. You'll have surprising insights and be at peace with yourself; there is nothing better for your health!.
Take extra care of your health! You can easily exhaust yourself; risk injury or put your body under unnecessary strain; the consequences of doing so should not be underestimated. Avoid direct confrontation of any type! Regardless of whether you're injury prone or not, you should treat yourself to a relaxing break, if you can, travel to the countryside over the weekend.
Everybody knows physical exercise is good for your health. You should be making use of your new found determination to strengthen your cardiovascular system. A careful approach is best; don't be reckless with your body! Gradually build your stamina and fitness in a controlled way. As a counter-balance to your work life, this is also a great way to set your mind at ease.
The best way to reduce your current stress level is through physical exercise. Preeminent activities are those that foster stamina and help you return to a feeling of inner balance. When did you last take a long walk? You should avoid sports that demand interaction with others. The risk of getting into arguments is too great and only brings along with it additional stress.
Make the most of your positive energy with some exercise. At some point less energetic times are bound to return but right now there's nothing to stop you doing everything that equates to having a fantastic time. With new found curiosity and an appetite for action, you're keen to try unusual activities and excited by the prospect of meeting new people - you're in your element.
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